Jul 13, 2011

Sink or swim.

We are very proud members of the YMCA. I love their core values,and the fact that the same staff have worked there teaching our kids since we joined five years ago.  I particularly love to swim and have been doing a ton lately. I've realized that it's the same people that pretty much come in at the same times on any given days. And they make a great study on human behavior. Or in other words, it's a people-watchers dream!

Here are my favorite people:

The mom in a hurry
A former competitive swimmer, it's her one thirty minute break from her young kids twice a week. She thrashes up and down the pool, knowing that any moment one of the babysitters will appear to say that little Johnny or Jemima hasn't stopped screaming since she left the kidcare room, has vomited, and she needs to come to them immediately.

The frugal senior gentleman.
Wearing a pair of swim trunks that he bought for a cruise round the Greek Isles in 1969. Other swimmers aren't quite sure where to put their eyes and there's a notable sigh of relief echoing around the pool when he submerges his torso into the water. Note to all male swimmers; don't just assume that women need to increase their fabric to skin ratio as their bodies get older and change shape. It applies to you too.

The flopper
This swimmer is probably the weakest one in the pool. And yet because of their dying fly technique they manage to get a whole lap lane to themselves. No swimmer wants a black eye or the exhaustion of 40 minutes of aversion-swimming. That's when you have to time your push-offs and turns so that you're always going in the opposite direction. If you get stuck behind them you'll never get past unless you swim underneath them.

The Russian ladies
Pure theatre. These ladies speak very little English and sport a dazzling array of floral swimsuits, shower caps and attach every flotation device to themselves. I love watching them because they just float and talk but don't actually swim. Thankfully they use the recreation lane because I don't know how to say 'excuse me' in Russian.

The manager
Often a professional guy who could be in-between business meetings. Looks toned, has his waterproofed IPod under his swim cap and is on a timed mission to swim a mile. Yet he detests sharing a lane. Mr. Manager will negotiate with other swimmers to move over into other lanes till he gets a clear lane to himself.

The Splasher
Ahem. Guilty as charged. When a known Frugal Senior, Flopper, or Manager appears pool side, I'll get my kick board and charge down the pool making a tidal wave right behind me. Who wants to battle with that?

That's my swim buddies. Who do you see at your pool or gym?


  1. hahaha!! i love your descriptions. so perfect! looking forward to reading your blog :)

  2. I found your blog via MBC...nice meeting you!

    I love this post so much! I swam a lot at our aquatic center during my pregnancy and these descriptions fit people perfectly!!! Too funny.

  3. Great post. so true! we are members at the ymca too! lol...
    comecheck out my blog
